Sunday, May 13, 2007


As the world's slowest blogger, I don't post often or enough but I can usually be found hanging around Jack's Newswatch or the Blogging Tories Forum. I read a great deal more than I write.

One of my frequent blogs to visit is (or was) a blog called Mesopotamia West. The author/blogger is (or was) Frank Hilliard. Recently, Frank replied to a comment of mine on his blog, mentioning I don't have a link to my email address in my profile or on my blog.

Strangely enough, that was true... and Frank wasn't the first to mention this lack. For good or ill, I've added an email link to my profile.

Before I got around to replying to Frank, his blog has disappeared. I haven't done an extensive search to find out whether Frank simply migrated elsewhere or ??? but in the meantime, if you read this, Frank, let me know what happened!!


Update: I found Frank who has not fallen off the face of the Earth after all! He's now using a different blog called Anti-Islamic Alliance

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Blogger Red Tory said...

The name seems to have been comandeered by some guy named greenboy223, who has three other blogs all started on the same date, all with the same couple of posts on them. Weird.

The other guy was a kook, imho.

2:31 AM  
Blogger Mac said...

I'm not sure what's up with greenboy223 but Frank is an interesting character. Then again, that's the same description I would use for you, RT.

Sometimes, folks take themselves and blogging too seriously... myself included. That doesn't mean we're bad people.

6:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your comments are always interesting Mac...never miss them and wish you were on your site more often.

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone loves Mac!

You are right Mac (of course), too many people out there take blogging way to seriously. It takes the fun out of what many of us are trying to do: have some fun.

Cursed, now I have Sheryl Crow in my head singing that terrible song of hers.

11:41 AM  
Blogger Mac said...

Thanks, guys!

With a quick search, I located Frank at his new blog, Anti-Islamic Alliance...

Somehow, I don't think Frank will be talking about recipes, needlepoint or tole painting. Unlike many Canadians, I am concerned about what's going on in the world and we've yet to turn the corner on the Islamic movement.

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mac I have tried to comment on your ?? but it seems I have been flagged by admins after saying were I came from. I was not rude or offensive nor was I defending gang bangers or even insulting police. But its that attitude that people from those areas dont have a voice dont matter or arent worthy that turn these kids to somewhere were they do matter. What I found hurtful to the comment was reference to his last name before thequestion is it a gang war.

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I did not mean to post annonymous

11:47 AM  
Blogger Mac said...

I'm not sure why your comments would be 'flagged', Robin, but we've had some problems with the spam filter which seems to almost act at random sometimes. I'm headed out to a function now and will be back later this evening. I will "cut & paste" your comment here over to there and address it at that time.

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mac I wanted to respond to you on the blog but I am still having problems. I hope you dont mind me writing here but I wanted to tell you first that if someone drove a car through my house and was drunk and I said must be another Native that would be wrong. Last summer it was a white boy shot in the same spot. Also the boy that was killed graduated from highschool and had a full time job. Inocent people die in the ghetto too. I was not saying tougher laws should not be in place and I am the first to say they need to do away with the young offender act. But that is only a part of the solution. Last summer was the biggest bust in T.O history they really did take out the big players the problem is they left teenagers that have no boundaires there to fight for there positions in the gangs now that the big players are gone. Maybe just maybe if the money was there to help and re program these teenagers when they were kids they wouldnt have the same mantaletey as the older ones do. Just like you are grown and probably not going to change how you think the same goes for the big guys in this. But My children your children and there children are still very teachable and changable. So I am not saying Hug a thug Iam saying Hug a Thugs Kid.
Just one more point. Locking these people away will keep us safe from them but it aint teaching them anything. Scared straight? they aint affected by the reality of death the freedoms of Jail aint going to teach them anything.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Mac said...

Robin, I don't know what's happening with your comments on the Newswatch. I sent Jack an email enquiring but, like I said, sometimes the spam filter does screwy things.

I don’t think eliminating any reference to the ethnic origin of those involved in crimes (or victims thereof) will help whatsoever. I realize you’re saying Cynapse’s statement was prejudiced but what you might not realize is Cynapse is a former resident of the area and an ethnic minority himself. I would suggest he’s not as prejudiced as you think.

I don’t know how much you read Jack’s Newswatch but Jack is a retired cop and I’m an active cop. I deal with the kind of kids you’re talking about... and I deal with their parents (when I can find them)... There have been very few times when I’ve found a stable family home producing street thugs. I have, however, seen many problematic families who lose control for a variety of reasons too diverse to describe here.

I am also a father and I’ve taught my children as well as I can. I’m very proud of them both but I’m aware they each face challenges daily. My wife and I laid the foundation of morals and ethics for them and we’re here for them but they make their choices. So far, so good! If all parents embraced responsibility and taught their children to do so as well, most of these street crime problems would disappear.

No amount of money can “make” parents teach their children well. Too many parents don’t have control of their own lives. How can one teach their children responsibility when they don’t understand the concept?

Is there a solution? Perhaps but it means stopping the willful blindness.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack told me It was a Spam Issue and I agree 100% abt the parents.
I came outta there pretty good and I knew Jack was A cop. I understand and agree with a lot you say My Issue is still that If no One can reach the Older ones those programs are helping the younger ones I care about the money for the little kids and I dont think the solution is taking the money out of that but rather
The Basket ball courts and programs are a long term solution no one will know the results of that until that generation has grown. I remeber a couple years ago one of the older cops going up to my mom and telling her you raised 4 kids in here and not one has a criminal record that is a hard task in a place like this you should pat your self on the back My Mom didnt understand what he meant as she Just did what she felt and knew to be right.

8:42 PM  

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