Sunday, April 01, 2007

A new word for your vocabulary...

I’ve noticed there’s a few words which seem to have been hijacked by political leftists and warped to suit their own malignant purposes. I’m certain when you see these words, you’ll recognize them and you’ll know exactly what I mean. While I haven’t found a solution for all of the words the leftists have hijacked, I found a solution for two of them.

Entitlements and Rights

You see, for the rest of us (those with normally functioning ethical systems and moral standards) these words are pretty self-evident.

An entitlement is a benefit specified by law or contract. Easy, huh?

A right is something to which one has a just claim and, in the context of government, it is normally used to describe freedoms which are, by definition, placed beyond government control.

Leftists have seized these words and they use them to describe anything which they want... and their wants are multitudinous. You’ll recognize these pitiful creels, I’m sure...

“I want what I’m entitled to!!” (bad grammar)
“I’m entitled to my entitlements!!” (always a classic)
“It’s my right!” (grossly overused)
“I know my rights!” (tell it to the judge... was that my outside voice?)

Certain sub-sects spend every waking hour striving for enhanced rights and entitlements which they describe as equality. In reality, they’re not interested in equality; they want more and they won’t hesitate to trample anyone or anything to get what they want. They care nothing about rights (real rights, not their wants) especially YOUR rights.

So what is this new word? It’s a combination of their two favorite words which will serve to differentiate from the true meaning of each.


So the next time you hear someone whining about their rights or demanding their entitlements, introduce them to this new word. The next time you read in the newspaper or in the media about some leftist group bleating about rights, substitute this new word. It will serve to clarify the true meaning and place their wants into proper context. For example:

"I have a right to do this" becomes "I am enrightled to do this."

See? No more confusion about what is a real right and what some whining wanker wants. They don't have a "right" at all. They like to pretend they do and they want to convince you or at least intimidate you into silence so they can do whatever they want, whenever they want and (of course) have you pay for it through your taxes.

Another word which could use rescued is “progressive” since the so-called progressive movement describes their pernicious agenda as being progressive. I guess, in a way, it is progressive... like a progressive disease, increasing in extent or severity. There’s very little “progress” in their agenda but plenty of “progressive” if you get my drift.


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Blogger Joanne (True Blue) said...

Thanks for the new word, Mac. That should save us a lot of time when dealing with lefties.

The 'Progressive' thing really annoys me. I find that our society has become increasingly 'regressive' due to their agenda.

3:19 AM  
Blogger Mac said...

Helping to define the problem is the beginning of the solution. I guess one issue is progress and progressive are two different concepts altogether.

7:56 PM  
Blogger Reg said...

It's about time! Your loyal readership was getting antsy. I'll be back later when I can give your post a thorough read.

Would one post ever other week be so hard?

6:12 PM  
Blogger Mac said...

I could lie and say no... I've got to learn to focus a bit, eh?

8:16 PM  
Blogger Reg said...

Enrightlement - I like it. Could be the best new word I've heard since Heteronormative.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mac -- when I first worked for the Harris MPP, the thing that surprised me the most was how our society had become so "entitled." When the Tories reduced welfare rates by 21%, women would call the constituency office literally screaming: "The government can't do that, I'm entitled.... The government can't do that, it's my right..." Their "entitlement and right was to stay home and bring up their kids while collecting social assistance." When I would try to explain that there were dual income families out there, who would love to be able to do the same but they couldn't afford it -- and that they were essentially working so she could collect social assistance, they would become enraged. I don't know where it all started, but somewhere along the way some people forgot about "responsibilities."

Maybe you could say people need to know their enrightlements and responsibilities.

Great post Mac. Thanks.

5:43 PM  
Blogger Mac said...

Thanks, Sandy!

I was raised in the Maritime provinces. The use (abuse?) of welfare and employment insurance (seasonal welfare?) are endemic. My family wasn't wealthy by a long stretch but my parents made sure we knew how to work for a living and to appreciate such things as we earned.

Thankfully, my sister dumped this loser years ago but one brother-in-law was raised by his mother on welfare (along with his six siblings) and he had the welfare attitude down pat. He never worked a day more than necessary to qualify for EI and, once qualified, he never spent a minute searching for work... unless it was under the table so he could "double dip" but he came by his attitude honestly (so to speak).

His mother told me once "I can't wait to get on the old age pension so I can tell those bastards at Welfare where to stick their cheques!" If I seem a bit nasty toward welfare, it's due in great part to those people.

It's a shock and a shame how the Liberals have morphed the legacy of Mike Harris. His "Common Sense Revolution" was long overdue.

7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


how about a follow up on other precious jewels like 'accomodate'. I keep hearing it lately

9:47 AM  
Blogger Mac said...

So many words, so little time...

10:58 PM  

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