Monday, January 08, 2007

Goodbye 2006... Hello 2007!!

The world staggered out of 2006 like a drunken sailor leaving the seaside tavern. It'll be interesting to see where we end up in 2007.

In the dying days of 2006, Saddam gets hanged, surrounded by a gaggle of howling witnesses who managed to make Saddam look dignified (neat trick, that) but at least there's one less Ba'athist on the planet. Europe's leaders all clucked their tongues in dismay over the use of the capitol punishment. After all, it's not like Saddam killed thousands of Kurds or anything, right?

Kofi Annan uses his last speech as the Chief Crook of the UN to slam his hosts (yet again) while questions swirl around why Kofi had family members living in subsidized houses in New York. Ahhh, the joy of having diplomatic immunity!! I wonder if the world will ever learn just how deep Kofi's hands were into Saddam's pockets? Let's hope Ban does a better job than Kofi although it's hard to imagine he could do a worse job.

The new year brings hope... Will 2007 improve the plight of mankind? Will socialism finally be declared a mental illness and, if so, will someone invent an effective treatment? Will the Mainstream Media start reporting unbiased news reports? Will all the screaming enviro-activists suddenly realize that climate change is a naturally occurring process which happens independently of mankind's minor impacts on the planet and start concentrating their energies on something useful like reducing pollution, controlling world population, stopping the destruction of the rainforests?

Yeah, I know... too much to ask...


Blogger Kristin Beaumont-Politics and Other Things said...

I discovered your blog one day in the old year 2006 :-)--thought I had better get back to reading it...and enjoyed this post you have just could we be so conceited as to think we can control the environment when, yes, it is a natural process--a train we cannot stop---but yes...awareness of our pollution...stopping it...making people aware...that the everglades, the north and south pole, are so important in the mix...the screaming mimmies are still winning as far as shouting about their take on the environment...and I think Stephen will get his message across that Canada is doing the right thing making the changes they are...and continuing...I have hated to see the whips out...striking at his knees ..hoping to bring him to their eye and ear level...what a tragedy that would be-- but it wont happen....I dont see his equals anywhere within the seats opposing him...not even the newest leader.
I, too, have hopes that this new UN man from Korea will be able to build up the UN and it's reputation in the coming years.

5:16 AM  
Blogger Mac said...

Welcome, Kristinb! I'm pretty slow at adding to my blog and HTML hates me for some reason which means things are pretty plain-jane compared to some others but I hope you enjoy what you find here.

6:51 AM  
Blogger Kristin Beaumont-Politics and Other Things said...

It's not the html we look's the content...

If I could email you I could give you a few ways to add to your posting...
or find out what html "hates you"..and what you want to put on...

bright blessings...

3:04 PM  
Blogger Mac said...

Thanks for the offer, Kristin! My HTML woes are mainly ignorance and sloth on my part. I used to have a list of commands for the little things like hiding a URL behind a word or simply attaching a URL but I've lost it and I'm too lazy to bother looking these things up again so I just try to avoid using HTML altogether.

TMS, Happy New Year and I don't know when I'll be moving to Ottawa but those times when I've visited, I enjoyed the city as much as any country boy can enjoy a city. I'm searching the MLS website, looking at houses...

It's funny... For most of my adult life, I've lived in cities. At one point or another, I've living in Toronto, Hamilton (ugh), Kitchener-Waterloo, Montreal, Regina (don't ask) Victoria and now in Vancouver but soon on my way to Ottawa but I still think of myself to be a country boy.

6:17 PM  

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