Saturday, December 30, 2006

Life keeps moving on...

My wife's arm is finally healing. Her vegetarian diet and far-too-active lifestyle both didn't help this process. The bones didn't start healing until she started to supplement her diet with calcium pills (evidently yogurt doesn't provide enough) and, at the same time, she continued to use her hand which isn't surprising since it is her dominant hand. She still lacks strength and the bones did not knit cleanly (visible bump) so the process isn't done yet but at least she's not in constant pain.

Speaking of life moving on, it looks like we might be leaving the west coast. I've been living in British Columbia since January 1990. It is a beautiful province, between the mountains, the oceans, the lakes... but I'm the first one to tell others that "family comes first!" and now it appears I have to live up to my professed philosophy.

I've been offered an opportunity in Ottawa, which is where my wife originated. At the same time, her mother's health isn't getting any better. Is it the right time to move? I don't know that there is a "right" time but this time seems opportune.

Now comes the time of decisions... whether to sell our house here (where real estate prices are rising more quickly than anywhere else in Canada) or hold & rent it for a couple more years. Buy a house in Ottawa or rent? If buy, in what area and at what cost?

Studies say that moving is one of the top ten "stresses" as is "a new job" so I'm thinking life is about to get a little more stressful. Just what I need.


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