Saturday, November 03, 2007
About Me
- Name: Mac
- Location: National Capital Region, Ontario, Canada
Handsome fellow, wot? I'm the World's Slowest Blogger. If golden intentions could be banked, I would be inordinately wealthy and I could spend my days pounding on a keyboard. Instead, I work full time and try to squeeze blogging in between that and my frequent role as driver in "Dad's Taxi Service" with two somewhat demanding but very lovable teenage customers.
Thanks, Mac. We appreciate the support. BTW - how many computers do you have at work?
Several but most of them aren't linked to the Internet and most of those which are link through Ottawa's firewall so they're painfully slow. I understand the need for security, seeing how the Chinese hacked the Pentagon and other major systems so I don't play at work. Why take a chance?
Hopefully, both my regular viewers will vote for Mitchieville! Speaking of which, it's time to vote again!!
Thanks, Mac--very good of you...I see a Senate position in your future!
My pleasure, Mayor.
Does that Senate appointment include hot & cold running interns?
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