CP's Bryden fisked...
Grits not eager for fall election
JOAN BRYDEN of the Canadian Press... Fisked by Mac...
ST. JOHN'S — Liberals continued Wednesday to sabre-rattle about a possible fall election even as they admitted they could use more time to woo voters.
Does this mean Dion didn’t travel to Newfoundland simply to meet Danny Millions and try to tempt him over to the Dark Side?
Leader Stephane Dion said Liberals don't want an election, but won't hesitate to vote against a bad Throne Speech this fall, even if it means toppling the minority Tory government.
Gee, I wonder why Dion doesn’t want an election? Could it be because his Liberals are still broke or because they’re not gaining in popularity in the polls. Notice how the MSM focuses on how the polls reflect on the Conservatives but ignore how the Liberals aren’t moving either?
“We want this Parliament to work,” he told reporters on his way into a Liberal caucus retreat to plot strategy for the fall.
A proof is a proof, Stephane. How about some cooperation in the House of Commons for a change? Perhaps you could arrange for the Liberal dominated Senate to stop sitting on all those bills?
Still, if the Tories insist on proroguing Parliament and starting a new session with a speech from the throne, Mr. Dion said Liberals won't hesitate to vote against it if it doesn't include a firm February, 2009, end date for Canada's combat mission in Afghanistan and a comprehensive climate change plan.
The Liberals still can't believe they don't form the government. Typical Liberal arrogance but that's what we've come to expect from them. Hey Grits!! You're just the Opposition and only one of three parties with enough MPs to enable the Conservatives to pass legislation in this minority situation. You're not that important.
“We don't like the orientation of this government and if there's no change, none of these MPs will be able to stand up and to say I will support a throne speech that I think will hurt my constituencies.”
No-one cares what you like or dislike, Stephane... and orientation is protected under the Charter of Rights. You’re supposed to represent the people who elected you by providing the best possible government for Canadians rather than playing petty partisan games.
Mr. Dion insisted the Liberals will be ready for an election this fall, if need be.
But despite his bravado, many Liberals acknowledged the party needs more time. Indeed, with Grits stuck for months in a virtual tie with the Tories in most opinion polls and with neither party within reach of a majority, a number of MPs said time is their best ally as they try to budge those static poll numbers.
In other words, all the Liberals’ dirty tricks, the yammering in the House, the partisan nastiness they’ve indulged in hasn’t convinced Canadians to trust the Liberals. Now they have to figure out a different tactic and they need time (and money) to do this. Maybe they’ll import Howard Dean again? So far, they don't seem to be getting much traction.
Liberals have zeroed in lately on trust as a potential wedge issue in an election. But a number of MPs said Canadians need time to get to know Mr. Dion, who assumed the leadership late last year, and to contrast his reputation for openness, honesty and integrity with Prime Minister Stephen Harper's penchant for secrecy and a mounting record of broken promises.
Keep in mind this paragraph isn’t a quote from any MP. These words are from the journalist who wrote this piece. I’ll come back to this at the end.
“I think it's going to take time,” said Ottawa MP David McGuinty.
Oh boy!! More quotes from a Liberal MP!! Is this one Tweedle-Dee or is Dalton?
“I think the more the Canadian people are exposed to Mr. Harper and his approach to government, they'll have a clearer picture. I think for a lot of them right now it's muddled.”
In other words, the “Big Lie” technique takes time to work. Canadians still can’t understand how “Scary Harper” has managed more in less than 2 years than three Liberal majorities and a Liberal minority did in 13+ years... and why the Liberals insist this is a bad thing.
Mr. McGuinty, along with a number of other MPs, added that Canadians don't want an election any time soon.
Since when do Liberals give a rat’s ass what Canadians think? Since they’re in Opposition??
“We could use some more time,” echoed deputy Leader Michael Ignatieff.
Hurray! More quotes from Liberal MPs!! This time, a failed leadership candidate who has a habit of sticking his toes next to his tonsils.
“The leader's not been in place that long. A little time would help.”
In other words, Canadians still hate Dion AND the “Big Lie” technique needs more time to work. Gee, Iggy... I bet Harvard doesn't miss you as much as you miss Harvard.
Still, Mr. Ignatieff said the party can be ready if necessary this fall and won't support an undeserving throne speech just to avoid an election.
Yawn. So if the Liberals don’t support a throne speech but someone else does, won’t that mean all your blather is just more carbon dioxide? Did you buy your carbon credits yet?
In an opening speech to caucus members, Mr. Dion himself hammered away at the trust issue, contrasting himself and Mr. Harper, the Liberals and the Tories.
I wonder if Dion did a fair assessment of both himself versus PM Harper? The Grits versus the Tories? Somehow, I doubt it.
Canadians are “entitled to have a federal government, a government of Canada and a prime minister they can trust,” he said.
All evidence indicates PMSH and the Conservatives are trustworthy. All evidence indicates Dion and the Liberals are untrustworthy. Yet, the Liberals say things like...
“The current government and prime minister are a big disappointment about that.... The lack of trust that we see every week, always lack of transparency and trust.”
A big disappointment to you and other Liberals, perhaps. The majority of us (according to the polls) aren't disappointed at all... but don't let little things like facts get in your way, Dion!!
Mr. Dion pointed to what he called the Tories' latest failure to demonstrate transparency and trustworthiness: allegations that the party may have exceeded its spending limit in the last election by up to $1-million through a dodgy scheme to funnel national advertising expenses through local ridings.
So far, there’s nothing to indicate any wrongdoing... just a few supposedly non-partisan public servants making things difficult for the Conservatives. Nothing unusual, even.
And he made a big show of welcoming the media to the Liberal event, in contrast to the Tories who booted reporters out of the lobby of the Charlottetown hotel where they held their caucus retreat earlier this month.
“Big show” are the key words. Typical Liberal schmaltz... all show, no substance!
“You may write what you want about us.... Don't worry, we're not the Conservatives, we will not send the police to hurt you,” he joked as MPs and senators gave reporters a standing ovation.
Some sense of humour, Bam the Dog!! Nice slander job on the police, Stephane!!
While it's all well and good to contrast leadership styles and slam the Tories, Liberal House Leader Ralph Goodale said most MPs also think the party needs time to produce “solid, substantive Liberal alternatives” on policy.
Yippee!! Yet another Liberal MP quote!!
Mr. Goodale said MPs are happy with the policy work done so far “but they want more.”
How unusual for Liberals to want more. Hey, Ralphie... signed any blank cheques lately?
“They want to be in a position to say not just what Mr. Harper is doing wrong. That's ample, there's a lot to work with. But they also want to be able to say here's how we would do things better.”
Notice, they don’t want to have to prove PMSH is doing wrong because they can’t do so since that's not the case. They just want to say it. That’s ample.
Mr. Goodale said a lot of “advance homework” has been done on policy so a comprehensive platform could be ready if needed for a fall election. But other MPs privately doubted the party could be ready so quickly.
Liberals? Doing homework on policy?? Well, that’s a first. Maybe being in Opposition is doing the Liberals some good after all!!
Toronto-area MP Garth Turner said the challenge for Mr. Dion, having spent the summer consulting with various groups on policy, is “to put that vision together” in a clear, concise, easily-understood message. And he said the party can't wait long to produce such a comprehensive plan.
Wowsers!! A quote from a Tory.. no, wait.. a Liberal MP!! Yawn...
“I think we've hit a point where the rubber's got to hit the road,” Mr. Turner said.
I’m guessing you’re hoping that’ll get you some traction, right, Garth?
This article was NOT written by Joan Bryden of the Canadian Press. Oh, I’m sure it was Ms. Bryden who sat down and did all the typing but the article was written by the Liberal Party. If Ms. Bryden is employed by the Liberal Party (which doesn’t appear to be the case) I could understand her publishing such tripe without labelling it as propaganda or opinion or suchlike. After all, the Liberals are well known for their rather casual relationship with such concepts as truth and integrity.
Ms. Bryden is supposed to be a journalist. She started as a reporter for the Calgary Herald in 1982 but she’s been in Ottawa as part of the notorious Parliamentary Press Gallery for a long, long time... First with Southam News Service until she was fired in 2003 by CanWest. Now, she’s working for Canadian Press... not the Liberal Party...
Evidently, Ms. Bryden (a favorite of the Progressive Bloggers) has forgotten that journalists are supposed to at least pretend to present unbiased reporting of facts. What's the deal, Ms. Bryden? Did you enjoy using the poisoned pen as you slandered PMSH and shameless published agitprop for the Liberals? Did you secretly revel as you did so?
A reputation for secrecy and a growing list of broken promises, eh? Gee, I can’t understand why PMSH wouldn’t want to confide his deepest secrets in someone like you, Ms. Bryden.
An experienced, well-connected journalist like yourself should be able to find the $40 million which quietly disappeared into the coffers of the Liberal Party of Canada's coffers during the Sponsorship Scandal. I realize the money is all gone but maybe you can find out where some of it went! After all, according to you, the Liberals are all about openness, honesty and integrity so I'm sure Mr. Dion would gladly provide the financial records for all of the Liberal riding associations to an honourable journalist like yourself.
JOAN BRYDEN of the Canadian Press... Fisked by Mac...
ST. JOHN'S — Liberals continued Wednesday to sabre-rattle about a possible fall election even as they admitted they could use more time to woo voters.
Does this mean Dion didn’t travel to Newfoundland simply to meet Danny Millions and try to tempt him over to the Dark Side?
Leader Stephane Dion said Liberals don't want an election, but won't hesitate to vote against a bad Throne Speech this fall, even if it means toppling the minority Tory government.
Gee, I wonder why Dion doesn’t want an election? Could it be because his Liberals are still broke or because they’re not gaining in popularity in the polls. Notice how the MSM focuses on how the polls reflect on the Conservatives but ignore how the Liberals aren’t moving either?
“We want this Parliament to work,” he told reporters on his way into a Liberal caucus retreat to plot strategy for the fall.
A proof is a proof, Stephane. How about some cooperation in the House of Commons for a change? Perhaps you could arrange for the Liberal dominated Senate to stop sitting on all those bills?
Still, if the Tories insist on proroguing Parliament and starting a new session with a speech from the throne, Mr. Dion said Liberals won't hesitate to vote against it if it doesn't include a firm February, 2009, end date for Canada's combat mission in Afghanistan and a comprehensive climate change plan.
The Liberals still can't believe they don't form the government. Typical Liberal arrogance but that's what we've come to expect from them. Hey Grits!! You're just the Opposition and only one of three parties with enough MPs to enable the Conservatives to pass legislation in this minority situation. You're not that important.
“We don't like the orientation of this government and if there's no change, none of these MPs will be able to stand up and to say I will support a throne speech that I think will hurt my constituencies.”
No-one cares what you like or dislike, Stephane... and orientation is protected under the Charter of Rights. You’re supposed to represent the people who elected you by providing the best possible government for Canadians rather than playing petty partisan games.
Mr. Dion insisted the Liberals will be ready for an election this fall, if need be.
But despite his bravado, many Liberals acknowledged the party needs more time. Indeed, with Grits stuck for months in a virtual tie with the Tories in most opinion polls and with neither party within reach of a majority, a number of MPs said time is their best ally as they try to budge those static poll numbers.
In other words, all the Liberals’ dirty tricks, the yammering in the House, the partisan nastiness they’ve indulged in hasn’t convinced Canadians to trust the Liberals. Now they have to figure out a different tactic and they need time (and money) to do this. Maybe they’ll import Howard Dean again? So far, they don't seem to be getting much traction.
Liberals have zeroed in lately on trust as a potential wedge issue in an election. But a number of MPs said Canadians need time to get to know Mr. Dion, who assumed the leadership late last year, and to contrast his reputation for openness, honesty and integrity with Prime Minister Stephen Harper's penchant for secrecy and a mounting record of broken promises.
Keep in mind this paragraph isn’t a quote from any MP. These words are from the journalist who wrote this piece. I’ll come back to this at the end.
“I think it's going to take time,” said Ottawa MP David McGuinty.
Oh boy!! More quotes from a Liberal MP!! Is this one Tweedle-Dee or is Dalton?
“I think the more the Canadian people are exposed to Mr. Harper and his approach to government, they'll have a clearer picture. I think for a lot of them right now it's muddled.”
In other words, the “Big Lie” technique takes time to work. Canadians still can’t understand how “Scary Harper” has managed more in less than 2 years than three Liberal majorities and a Liberal minority did in 13+ years... and why the Liberals insist this is a bad thing.
Mr. McGuinty, along with a number of other MPs, added that Canadians don't want an election any time soon.
Since when do Liberals give a rat’s ass what Canadians think? Since they’re in Opposition??
“We could use some more time,” echoed deputy Leader Michael Ignatieff.
Hurray! More quotes from Liberal MPs!! This time, a failed leadership candidate who has a habit of sticking his toes next to his tonsils.
“The leader's not been in place that long. A little time would help.”
In other words, Canadians still hate Dion AND the “Big Lie” technique needs more time to work. Gee, Iggy... I bet Harvard doesn't miss you as much as you miss Harvard.
Still, Mr. Ignatieff said the party can be ready if necessary this fall and won't support an undeserving throne speech just to avoid an election.
Yawn. So if the Liberals don’t support a throne speech but someone else does, won’t that mean all your blather is just more carbon dioxide? Did you buy your carbon credits yet?
In an opening speech to caucus members, Mr. Dion himself hammered away at the trust issue, contrasting himself and Mr. Harper, the Liberals and the Tories.
I wonder if Dion did a fair assessment of both himself versus PM Harper? The Grits versus the Tories? Somehow, I doubt it.
Canadians are “entitled to have a federal government, a government of Canada and a prime minister they can trust,” he said.
All evidence indicates PMSH and the Conservatives are trustworthy. All evidence indicates Dion and the Liberals are untrustworthy. Yet, the Liberals say things like...
“The current government and prime minister are a big disappointment about that.... The lack of trust that we see every week, always lack of transparency and trust.”
A big disappointment to you and other Liberals, perhaps. The majority of us (according to the polls) aren't disappointed at all... but don't let little things like facts get in your way, Dion!!
Mr. Dion pointed to what he called the Tories' latest failure to demonstrate transparency and trustworthiness: allegations that the party may have exceeded its spending limit in the last election by up to $1-million through a dodgy scheme to funnel national advertising expenses through local ridings.
So far, there’s nothing to indicate any wrongdoing... just a few supposedly non-partisan public servants making things difficult for the Conservatives. Nothing unusual, even.
And he made a big show of welcoming the media to the Liberal event, in contrast to the Tories who booted reporters out of the lobby of the Charlottetown hotel where they held their caucus retreat earlier this month.
“Big show” are the key words. Typical Liberal schmaltz... all show, no substance!
“You may write what you want about us.... Don't worry, we're not the Conservatives, we will not send the police to hurt you,” he joked as MPs and senators gave reporters a standing ovation.
Some sense of humour, Bam the Dog!! Nice slander job on the police, Stephane!!
While it's all well and good to contrast leadership styles and slam the Tories, Liberal House Leader Ralph Goodale said most MPs also think the party needs time to produce “solid, substantive Liberal alternatives” on policy.
Yippee!! Yet another Liberal MP quote!!
Mr. Goodale said MPs are happy with the policy work done so far “but they want more.”
How unusual for Liberals to want more. Hey, Ralphie... signed any blank cheques lately?
“They want to be in a position to say not just what Mr. Harper is doing wrong. That's ample, there's a lot to work with. But they also want to be able to say here's how we would do things better.”
Notice, they don’t want to have to prove PMSH is doing wrong because they can’t do so since that's not the case. They just want to say it. That’s ample.
Mr. Goodale said a lot of “advance homework” has been done on policy so a comprehensive platform could be ready if needed for a fall election. But other MPs privately doubted the party could be ready so quickly.
Liberals? Doing homework on policy?? Well, that’s a first. Maybe being in Opposition is doing the Liberals some good after all!!
Toronto-area MP Garth Turner said the challenge for Mr. Dion, having spent the summer consulting with various groups on policy, is “to put that vision together” in a clear, concise, easily-understood message. And he said the party can't wait long to produce such a comprehensive plan.
Wowsers!! A quote from a Tory.. no, wait.. a Liberal MP!! Yawn...
“I think we've hit a point where the rubber's got to hit the road,” Mr. Turner said.
I’m guessing you’re hoping that’ll get you some traction, right, Garth?
This article was NOT written by Joan Bryden of the Canadian Press. Oh, I’m sure it was Ms. Bryden who sat down and did all the typing but the article was written by the Liberal Party. If Ms. Bryden is employed by the Liberal Party (which doesn’t appear to be the case) I could understand her publishing such tripe without labelling it as propaganda or opinion or suchlike. After all, the Liberals are well known for their rather casual relationship with such concepts as truth and integrity.
Ms. Bryden is supposed to be a journalist. She started as a reporter for the Calgary Herald in 1982 but she’s been in Ottawa as part of the notorious Parliamentary Press Gallery for a long, long time... First with Southam News Service until she was fired in 2003 by CanWest. Now, she’s working for Canadian Press... not the Liberal Party...
Evidently, Ms. Bryden (a favorite of the Progressive Bloggers) has forgotten that journalists are supposed to at least pretend to present unbiased reporting of facts. What's the deal, Ms. Bryden? Did you enjoy using the poisoned pen as you slandered PMSH and shameless published agitprop for the Liberals? Did you secretly revel as you did so?
A reputation for secrecy and a growing list of broken promises, eh? Gee, I can’t understand why PMSH wouldn’t want to confide his deepest secrets in someone like you, Ms. Bryden.
An experienced, well-connected journalist like yourself should be able to find the $40 million which quietly disappeared into the coffers of the Liberal Party of Canada's coffers during the Sponsorship Scandal. I realize the money is all gone but maybe you can find out where some of it went! After all, according to you, the Liberals are all about openness, honesty and integrity so I'm sure Mr. Dion would gladly provide the financial records for all of the Liberal riding associations to an honourable journalist like yourself.